Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Essay on Monkey See, Monkey Do - 757 Words

Violence in media today is almost as common as a teenage girl knowing the name of the actor Channing Tatum. In America, we practically grow up on movies that display countless acts of violence against one another. This is a major way in which human society as a whole has changed from growing up in an environment with a lot of real life violence sporadically around the world, to having some sort of physical conflict involved in every movie or TV show. In the past there have been several cases where people have seen a violent action through a media source and then tried carrying out an action similar to the one seen, except in real life. This is proof to an existence of the presence of violence having an impact on certain viewers. Violence†¦show more content†¦Although they viewed the video multiple times, there must have been some sort of mental sickness for the two teenagers to commit an act like this. It will never be proven that the movie was truly responsible but you have to wonder, if the movie weren’t made, would Bill Savage be dead right now? To make Bok’s case, she cites the legal action that was taken in this case: if you refer the film to a product and something goes wrong with the product then the makers are held responsible. This ruling is huge in the verdict for having unrestricted amounts of violence in a production and should make them think twice about the content which they are displaying. On the flip side to this there is another view in which a certain level of violence is actually beneficial to the viewer. Author Gerard Jones in his article titled â€Å"Violent media is good for kids† exhibits this perspective of violence at a certain level actually teaching kids to be strong and unafraid. This view comes from a personal experience where the author was able to overcome things that held him back as a child such as being afraid, unsocial, and unconfident in himself. I see where someone could find that kind of urge to be self-confident after watching a movie such as The Incredible Hulk, but if that same movie leads a teenager to commit a crime, then it is not worth it. A kid can find some other way to conquer his fears such as finding friends or going to his or her parents for help on howShow MoreRelatedThe Weirdest Creature Of Nature Essay1079 Words   |  5 Pagesanimals. As of today, in compare to other animals monkey is the weirdest animal that I feel. The monkeys are the most common animals that everyone knows about it very well. They might never think of monkey as I am going to describe today. I have been reading about monkeys and heard lot of stories about monkeys since my school days. However, I have experienced many things and did lot of funs with this animal monkeys. ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬ There are three reasons that monkeys are the weirdest animals. 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