Thursday, September 12, 2019

Effective Supervision Can Minimize Staff Turnover from Burn-Out in Thesis

Effective Supervision Can Minimize Staff Turnover from Burn-Out in Direct Care Staff in Adolescent Residential Settings - Thesis Example Contemporary studies are now offering new insights regarding turnover problem with regards to direct care workers. Most of the studies which can be found can give data taken from interviews with employees and employers, in a study that I have found, the author looked at the problem from a bigger perspective. In the study conducted by Brannon (2002), he examined factors that looked at health facilities with very high and very low direct care worker turnover rates from a middle referent group. From there, he explored the possibility that high turnover and low turnover are distinct occurrences having different originators. The findings in the study suggest that researchers must avoid using a linear function of a single set of predictor model when looking at facility turnover. The study revealed that a relationship between supervisory staff and the home health aide is a significant contributor to worker satisfaction and turnover. In another study which focused on direct care worker-supervisory relationships in the context of hierarchy, it was found out that supervisory staff often blame the cause of recruitment and retention problems to the worker’s personal problems, dysfunctional family structure, and lack of respect for the job (Bowers 2003). It is rarely recognized by supervisors that organizational structure, or mistreatment or poor management by higher employees as a reason for turnover. Most of these top level staff often complain about the long hours of work they spend on paperwork which according to them causes less communication and contact with residents and direct care workers (Bowers 2003). Another study conducted by the California Association of Homes and Services for the Adolescents found unswerving complaints from direct care staff that they feel that they themselves and the work that they do are not given due importance. Using in-depth interviews, it was known that many of the reasons previously

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