Saturday, September 21, 2019

Gender roles Essay Example for Free

Gender roles Essay Well, the topic of gender roles is a ripe one. While there is no specific outline providing benchmarks to use in classifying a person’s gender, a number of factors come into play in helping define one’s gender. One of the factors is cultural prescription as provided for by a person’s social group. A man is a man or a woman a woman depending on how the social group they belong to label or socializes them. But one should remember here that genitalia alone do not determine a person’s gender. While one’s sex is determined by one’s biology, both biology and culture (nature and nurture) determine their gender. There are different roles for different genders. Gender is more of culturally than biologically determined. In fact, a person could be born with male genitalia but be of female gender or vice versa. Differences exist between the male and female genders for instance; men are braver than women and women more emotional than men. Women like being protected while men like to protect. Also, men want to pursue a woman for relationship while women want to be pursued. The differences between the genders emanate from differences in sexes culture, religion among others. Some of the similarities include: both are jealous, self-centered and want to mend the other to live up to their own standards. Again, both genders converge in their need for recognition and love. These among other differences and similarities together with other factors such as legal have succeeded in being constant obstacles on the road to equality. Most social groups, our parents and the media have socialized us to believe that the male gender is superior to the female gender. One can ask, does sex determine one’s abilities? Pursuing such a question may elicit an endless debate but a sex-based approach in determining gender roles is bias and oppressive to women and perpetuates inequalities and patriarchy. No wonder women have to fight for equality. Kyra Sedgwick says that, â€Å"†¦we are still not really supposed to want it as much as guy does. † But I think women should be able to make their own choices. I would want to socialize my children in a manner that they will see both genders as equal and worth as much respect despite the differences. I will also want to allow them freedom to choose what they want to be in life. I will not deny them opportunities on the basis of their gender. I will also encourage them to follow their passion provided they are within the range of acceptable careers and I will endeavor to support them. A number of questions puzzle me. They include; In agitating for equality, do women become more women or less? Is a woman more woman because she enjoys same rights as a man? Is it possible to invent a universally acceptable modality of determining gender roles so as to eschew the controversy? What provisions do our societies make for those individuals who do not qualify as average male/female? These questions leave me lost in the labyrinths. The first and second questions demand that women be careful when agitating for equality lest they lose their identity. Anyway what is so serious about losing one’s identity? If forgoing one’s identity will make one have a happier life then isn’t it better to forgo it. What should be pursued, identity or happiness? Addressing the third question will save us unnecessary debates while the fourth question rises out of my worry that there are some persons that are left out in the classification of genders and this could be unfair- a more inclusive definition needs to be adopted for a fair discussion. In doing away with the dual classification such terms as feminism and others that are so ‘poisoned’ will be avoided and may be a less controversial nomenclature adopted. Andrea Wong is a brave woman. From her early age she tried her leg in leadership, a field that was erroneously perceived as a reserve for men. Also unlike most women, Andrea Wong knows how, after falling, to get up, dust herself off and keep going. Unlike Wong, most women get resigned after their first failure. If women were like her, they would also be leaders like she is today and would be doing great exploits. Rachel Roy is another woman who impresses me. She goes for what she wants and she wants nothing but the best, â€Å" If I couldn’t work at Contempo, I didn’t want to work anywhere. † This shows a resolve that most women lack. She knows what she wants that is to be a designer, â€Å"her passion started in childhood and she has never wavered†. She is final in her decision. These two women not only set good example for me but also are good role models for women. From the pieces, it is clearly depicted that success for women is dependent on their attitude and not their gender. If women changed their attitude then they would favorably compete against men and it would be easier for them and tougher for men. Works cited Newsweek, October 15, 2007.

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