Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leadership Is An Important Element Of The Management...

1 Steve Jobs CEO, Apple Introduction Leadership is an important element of the management function. Leadership involves ability to integrate human resources and firm’s goals. Different situations may warrant different kinds of leadership. A business leader knows how to motivate people, accomplish goals, and get things done quickly. Leaders act as middlemen between employees and organization s objectives. Leaders reveal attributes of courage, creativity, and entrepreneurial energy. Strong leaders are essential to the success of an organization. To be a successful leader, an individual must be innovative, able to constructive criticism, and possess power to influence others. Steve Jobs’ leadership style is quite unique and influencing. We can see a lot of examples of great business leader in real life. One of them is Steve Jobs, a well-known personality all over the world. MAIN BODY In order to survive for the organization in the long run, an efficient organization is one which adapt with the changing external environment. In such case, a leader must be innovative and creative who easily diagnose the situation and implement new ideas to avoid the threat of that factor to the organization. Steve Jobs was known for his new ideas and creativity. His innovations and dedications to quality made his customer brand loyal. He came up with nano 2 technology in the market â€Å"He brought us Apple, Pixar, and desktop laser printers. He delivered one of the most-watched TED Talks ofShow MoreRelated Functions Of Management Essay1236 Words   |  5 Pageswhats really significant. Management is necessary for a business to function, yet when exploring the role of the manager, it becomes rather complex. Managers must be resourceful; they are individuals who wear many hats. The job of every manager involves what is known as the functions of management. 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